Which credentials should we use when we set up an administrator account?

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August 14, 2018

Our test Jira was initially on the DMZ and we moved it to the network and changed the database connection, so it is now treating it as a new installation when we try access it and we cannot seem to set up the administrator account as it says "cannot add user, all the user directory are read only" so that we can access Jira.

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Atlassian Team
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August 15, 2018

Hi, Boitumelo.

First and foremost, I would be interested to know the type of database that you are using after the migration and version that you are on. I came across a couple of questions where users run into the same problem due to:

Additionally, can you please confirm the error that you are seeing in atlassian-jira.log when you are trying to set up the admin account too? 

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