Where is workflow info stored in Confluence database?

January 10, 2012

Does anyone know where workflow information is stored in the Confluence database (or in the (linux) file system if stored there?)

For example, if I hover over the "Approvals: Edited, Reviewed, Signoff", I get a popup as to who approved|edited|reviewed, and on what date, but I can't find this info in the database.

I am also unable to find where in the database how Confluence determines whether a document is 'Draft' or 'Published'. By querying a draft and published doc in the 'content' table, I see no difference. I thought this detail might be in 'content_perm' or 'content_perm_set', but I couldn't find any linking data for both types.

Perhaps this is stored in the filesystem? Any help much appreciated.

Thanks in advance

1 answer

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Answer accepted
January 11, 2012

One of my collegues has just found it.

select * from WIKI.os_propertyentry where entity_key like '%com.comalatech%' and ENTITY_ID = <entity_id>;

In the text_val field, you see

<date>2008-10-31 11:14:55.935 NZDT</date>
<comment>Initial import from Word document without change</comment>


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