Where is the reorder pages option in the new Confluence UI?

May 30, 2018

After the new UI change in the pages panel, I cannot reorder pages only move them in a very cumbersome way, it was very easy before where you could only click the option and rearrange pages right in front of you. seems that this feature is gone with the new UI. Does this means we are stuck with no page organization?

3 answers

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Davin Studer
Rising Star
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May 30, 2018

It is under Space Settings -> Content Tools -> Reorder Pages.


June 1, 2018

Thank you! 

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Evan Bovie
July 11, 2018

Why is the process of reordering pages three steps?

This is incredibly slow, since Confluence takes ages to navigate between pages.

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Moses Thomas
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December 31, 2018

@Evan BovieI don't think this is slow in fact it is fast.

Marios Chrysovergis
November 15, 2019

@Davin Studer that works but when I add a new page it doesn't order it automatically.

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Davin Studer
Rising Star
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November 15, 2019

@Marios Chrysovergis On that same page you should see an icon appear next to parent pages when they are expanded if the children of that parent page are not in alphabetical order. If you click that icon the children will be alphabetized and going forward will continue to be alphabetized until you manually move one out of alphabetical order. At that point it will turn off again until you click the icon to turn alpha sorting back on.

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Davin Studer
Rising Star
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November 15, 2019

@Marios Chrysovergis It should look like this.


Davin Studer
Rising Star
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November 15, 2019

Hmm. After some more testing it looks like the alpha sort has indeed changed. Clicking the button will sort the tree, but new pages still seem to be placed at the bottom of the tree.  Bummer!

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Walter Martín Villalba December 11, 2018

@Davin Studer@Moses Thomas@Martz

New pages that I create after I re-order the pages alphabetically by clicking A-Z icon will not appear in alphabetical order in the left navigation pane. I think they used to a while ago, but they don't anymore. I can't find a way to make new pages appear in alphabetical order. Any ideas?

Moses Thomas
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December 31, 2018

@Walter Martín VillalbaIt should work, may be you doing  some thing wrong!

Kelly Bowcott May 29, 2019

I don't see the A-Z icon to reorder pages, even though I'm a space admin. Is this option still available?

June 7, 2019

There is no A-Z anymore (I never saw that anyways), what you can do now is simple drag-and-drop right in the pages tree. So cool!

Walter Martín Villalba November 15, 2019

@Moses Thomas no, I don't think I'm doing anything wrong. I think you may have misread my question/statement above. Others have reported the same thing, *automatic* reordering of pages is gone.

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Moses Thomas
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May 30, 2018

@Martzas space admin, when  you  go to  space tool, you  will  see reorder pages. you  can  click the A-Z icon to reorder in alphabetical  order or drag to  re-order if you are not  space admin then ask space admin to  do so.



June 1, 2018


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