Where is the Confluence playground?

Roland Illig August 13, 2020

At the moment, I'm stuck with Confluence 6.6.17, which has a tremendous amount of bugs in the visual editor.

I'd like to see whether these have been fixed in the latest Confluence 7, to convince my administrators to upgrade.

Where can I find the playground for the latest Confluence release? It's ok if its content is deleted every night, I just need it for quickly trying out things.

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Ste Wright
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August 15, 2020

Hi @Roland Illig 

I don't believe there is one.

Most regularly, I see teams having more than one instance for this. For example, a Test instance and a Production instance.

That way you can upgrade your Test instance and ensure it doesn't break anything before making the upgrades in Production.

I'd see if your Administrators have this setup for your organisation - and if not, ask if this is possible to create (even if it's just using a 10-user Starter Licence).


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