¿Where is my blog draft post?

Andrés González Aragón February 22, 2018

I just made some progress with a new post for my confluence blog but I left it unpublished, now when I try to get back to it I cannot find it, it´s not even in my recent work.

¿Where is it?

3 answers

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Deleted user October 9, 2018

I just had this happen and it looks like blog post drafts ARE saved in cloud now. I found it by going to "Wiki" and looking under "Your Work". Below you can see a screenshot of the draft at the button,  which I am able to edit.

Screen Shot 2018-10-09 at 2.08.35 PM.png

1 vote
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 22, 2018

Hi Oscar,

Your email address is associated with a Cloud instance in our system so I assume this happened in Confluence Cloud.

I created a blog post on Confluence Cloud yesterday and did not publish it - it does not appear on my recent work:

Screen Shot 2018-02-22 at 5.14.22 PM.png

I was able to find it by going to my home space and clicking the blog link in the left sidebar:

Screen Shot 2018-02-22 at 5.12.51 PM.png

I look forward to hearing whether your draft can be found there.



Andrés González Aragón February 22, 2018

Hi Ann, thanks for the quick reply, you are right about Confluence Cloud.

I followed your steps but Unfortunately my post is not there.

I remember that this wasy a post inside a space rather than personal. ¿does this makes any difference?

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 23, 2018

Hi Oscar,

Further testing revealed to me that blog posts are not saved as drafts in Confluence Cloud when you click the Close button before publishing, whether in the personal space or another space.

I could not find a bug report or documentation for this behavior so I opened a bug report: Blog drafts are not saved when Close button used before publishing The bug is open to comments and votes from the public so you may use it to communicate with our development team. If you vote or comment you will be added to notifications for the ticket.

I was not able to recover any of my test blog drafts so I think we lost your draft. I really regret that, as I understand blog posts can be a great deal of work.



0 votes
Andrés González Aragón February 23, 2018

Hi Ann, that´s correct I coulnd´t find it anywhere. 

But I don´t think it´s all lost, is it? I remembering going back in my browser and still see what it seemed to be my post loaded from server ( not cached ).

Anyhow, thanks for bug report.

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 23, 2018

Per my research, the back button does serve from the browser cache unless the no-store directive is used in the header on the site: Why you must have ‘no-store’ in your cache-control header

It looks like Confluence stopped using that in 2007: "cache-control: no-store" considered harmful

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