What workaround is recommended to fix broken anchors?

Efleda Brophy January 13, 2020

I use anchors so my topic titles in the Overview section link to these sections in the document when clicked. This feature avoids too much scrolling in an otherwise long document.

We are using the legacy editor. Given that anchor functionality is broken, what workaround is there to have this functionality back--the ability to jump to a section of a document from a link at the top?

When going through the Confluence bug list, #66773 is supposedly fixed, but it is addressed in the new editor. How do we address it if we're using the legacy editor?

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Zak Laughton
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 15, 2020

Hi Efleda!

There are a couple of options I can think of here:

Option 1: Table of Contents macro

The first, easiest option would be to use the Table of Contents macro. This macro will automatically create a list of links to all the headers on a page.

Option 2: Link to ID

The second option would be to link to the header ID. In my experience, Confluence Cloud gives all headers on a page an ID of "pagename-headername" without spaces (you can see this if you right click the header, click "inspect", and view the ID in the HTML). You can link to this header directly by adding it after a # at the end of the page URL.

Option 2 example:

For example, say you have a page called "My page" located at https://mycompany.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ABC/pages/192241776/My+page, and on this page you have a header called "My header". You can right click "My header" and click inspect to see the ID, which should be "Mypage-Myheader":Screen Shot 2020-01-15 at 2.21.21 PM.png

You should be able to link to this header by going directly to https://mycompany.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ABC/pages/192241776/My+page#Mypage-Myheader.

However, this is at risk of breaking if the header name ever changes. This is also not a documented use case for Confluence as far as I'm aware, so there's also the possibility that this functionality could change in the future.

I hope this helps!
– Zak

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