What is the web-item section for this?

Chong Jing Hong
June 15, 2021

WhatsApp Image 2021-06-15 at 4.56.22 PM.jpeg

Hi guys, I'm having trouble figuring out the web-item section for this part of the page. I've tried the system.admin portion of https://developer.atlassian.com/server/confluence/web-ui-modules/#WebUIModules-Locations, but to no avail. I can't use Web Fragment Finder plugin as it does not have a Confluence Server version. Would appreciate any help, thanks!

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Chong Jing Hong
June 15, 2021

Add a web-section module with the location="system.admin".

Add a web-item module with section="system.admin/key-of-web-resource"


<web-section key="bulk-user-creation" name="Bulk User Creation Tool" location="system.admin" weight="200">        
<label key="Bulk User Creation Label" />    

<web-item name="bulk-user-creator-action-web-ui" key="bulk-user-creator-action-web-ui" section="system.admin/bulk-user-creation" weight="150">        
<description key="item.bulk-user-creator-action-web-ui.link.desc">Access a CSV file to bulk create new users into Confluence</description>        
<label key="Bulk User Creation Tool"/>        
<link linkId="my-link">/plugins/bulk-user-creator/bulk-user-creator.action</link>    

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