What is the algorithm used to create the "Tiny links"

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September 17, 2012


I've seen this question: Is there a way to get a Confluence page's tiny link programmatically? and I have one in a similar vein.

What is the algorithm used to create the tiny links?

I'm assuming it's some kind of base 64/62 encoder of some sort? If anyone knows where in the source to look for the code, a path would be greatly appreciated.


8 answers

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David at David Simpson Apps
Atlassian Partner
September 17, 2012

Check out the source of com.atlassian.confluence.pages.TinyUrl...


id is the pageId.

2 votes
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August 7, 2019

I recently ported this to python:

def page_id_to_tiny(page_id):
return base64.b64encode((page_id).to_bytes(4, byteorder='little')).decode().replace('/','-').replace('+','_').rstrip('A=')

def tiny_to_page_id(tiny):
return int.from_bytes(base64.b64decode(tiny.ljust(8,'A').replace('_','+').replace('-','/').encode()),byteorder='little')

Updated as per feedback below from @Sebastian Schmachtel and @Fabian Sturm that noticed that Atlassian do not actually implement url safe encoding from rfc4648 correctly.

Fabian Sturm
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October 24, 2019

This would have been a perfect answer but I think Atlassian screwed up and + is replaced by _ and / by - instead of the other way round as it is defined for the url safe encoding rfc4648.

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Sebastian Schmachtel
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October 25, 2019

I used this functions and started to see weird effects. So I returned here et voila a hint just in time :-)

My (working) code looks now like this

def page_id_to_tiny(page_ids: List[int]) -> List[str]:
"""converts a list of pageids (int) to a list of last part of shortlink (/x/$PART)"""
shortlinks: List[str] = []
for page_id in page_ids:
encoded = base64.b64encode(page_id.to_bytes(4, byteorder='little')).decode()
encoded_fixed = encoded.replace("/", "-").replace("+", "_").rstrip('A=')
return shortlinks

def tiny_to_page_id(tiny_links: List[str]) -> List[int]:
"""converts a list of last part of shortlink (/x/$PART) to a list of pageids (int)"""
page_ids: List[int] = []
for tiny_link in tiny_links:
tiny_link = tiny_link.replace("-", "/").replace("_", "+")
page_ids.append(int.from_bytes(base64.b64decode(tiny_link.ljust(8, 'A').encode()), byteorder='little'))
return page_ids
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Tilman Schweitzer
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March 27, 2019

Here a solution in JS. Please check if the browsers are compatible with btoa and atob (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope/btoa).

// The long to byte array conversion is taken from this source:
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8482309/converting-javascript-integer-to-byte-array-and-back
function longToByteArray(long) {
var byteArray = [0, 0, 0, 0];
for ( var index = 0; index < byteArray.length; index ++ ) {
var byte = long & 0xff;
byteArray [ index ] = byte;
long = (long - byte) / 256 ;
return byteArray;

function pageIdToShortUrl(pageId) {
return btoa(longToByteArray(pageId)
.map(function (s) { return s[0] })

function byteArrayToLong(byteArray) {
var value = 0;
for ( var i = byteArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
value = (value * 256) + byteArray[i];
return value;

function shortUrlToPageId(shortUrl) {
return byteArrayToLong(atob(shortUrl)
.map(function (b) { return b.charCodeAt()}));

1 vote
Mircea Vutcovici
December 13, 2013

I used the following functions in PHP based on the Steve's code:

function id2tinylink($id)
    $bytes = pack("L", (int)$id);  // convert the long to bytes
    return rtrim($base64string_escaped, "A=");

function tinylink2id($tinylink){
    $base64string_encoded = str_pad($tinylink, 8, "A", STR_PAD_RIGHT);
    $base64string = strtr($base64string_encoded, '_-', '+/');
    $bytes = base64_decode($base64string);
    return unpack("L",$bytes)[1];

0 votes
Maxime Boyer March 8, 2024

I used your examples to write a PostgreSQL equivalent. Probably not as efficient, but could be useful.

-- Encode to short URL
translate(encode(('\x' || regexp_replace(
lpad(to_hex(content.contentid), 16, '0'),
'\8\7\6\5\4\3\2\1'))::bytea, 'base64'), '-_', '/+')) "short_url"
FROM (SELECT 200999755 "contentid") "content"

An example from the Confluence table directly:

SELECT contentid, TRIM(
translate(encode(('\x' || regexp_replace(
lpad(to_hex(content.contentid), 16, '0'),
'\8\7\6\5\4\3\2\1'))::bytea, 'base64'), '-_', '/+')) "short_url",
FROM content

To decode a short URL to it's content ID:

 -- Decode to content ID
SELECT ('x' || regexp_replace(
rpad(encode(decode(translate(short.url || repeat('A', 8 - length(short.url)), '_-', '+/'), 'base64'), 'hex'), 16, '0'),
'\8\7\6\5\4\3\2\1'))::bit(64)::bigint "content_id"
FROM (SELECT 'SwP7Cw' "url") "short"
0 votes
Sam Liddicott
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June 16, 2023

Here is a rough bash implementation. I don't bother chopping a trailing A because this official implementation also didn't

confluence-tiny-code() {
local id="${1?}"
local tiny
printf -v tiny "\\\x%02x" $(( id & 0xff )) $(( (id >> 8 ) & 0xff )) $(( (id >> 16 ) & 0xff )) $(( (id >> 24 ) & 0xff ))
tiny=$(printf "$tiny" | base64)
echo "${tiny%%=*}"
0 votes
N-A okuda
August 11, 2013

Could you describe a method of decoding?

0 votes
I'm New Here
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September 17, 2012

If anyone would like to emulate this functionality in PHP for whatever reason:

function tinylinkid($id)
	$bytes = pack("L", $id);  // convert the long to bytes
	$bytes = rtrim($bytes);  // trim any null characters
	$bytestring = "";
	$len = strlen($bytes); 
	for($i = 0; $i &lt; $len; $i++) {
		$bytestring = $bytestring . $bytes[$i]; // build the byte string
	$base64string = base64_encode($bytestring); // base64 encode the byte string
	$base64string = rtrim($base64string, "="); // trim any base64 padding characters
	return $base64string;

Thanks for David for the pointer.


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