Web form to prepopulate a Jira ticket

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August 22, 2018


I was wondering what is the mapping process to get a populated web form from a customer inquiry on our website to prepopulate a Jira ticket with the same details?

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Rising Star
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August 22, 2018

HI @Kudzi and welcome to the community.

I would see two possibilities here:

  1. Use JIRA Service Desk to display the web form or customize it (e.g. by using Refined Theme for Jira Service Desk) to fit into the design of your website.
  2. Use a JIRAs REST API call to create a new issue when submitting the web-form.
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
August 22, 2018

Thank you very much @Andreas

Jennifer Choban
Marketplace Partner
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August 22, 2018

Hi @Kudzi

This article might help http://blog.thinktilt.com/five-options-for-creating-jira-issues-from-web-form-builders. (Note that I am with ThinkTilt- makers of one of the options mentioned.



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