Vimeo widget is not working in Confluence

Harris Cho October 30, 2015


I tried using the widget to embed Vimeo video, but the video does not display. Can you help me?

Thank you,



3 answers

0 votes
Harris Cho November 2, 2015


Here are some screen shots of the issue.

0 votes
Harris Cho November 2, 2015

When I place the link in Confluence it does not convert it into a video player.
I get no error message when I do it. It allows it but big blank area is shown and no player.

0 votes
Giuliano C_
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 30, 2015

Hey Harris, 


As you mentioned that you tried the Widget option to display the video, can you check if just pasting it's URL (like we do with Youtube videos) will automatically render it in your Confluence page? In addition to that, is there any kind of message when you try to display the video there? 




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