Viewing child pages by status

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February 22, 2024

Hi all,

I have several pages called


Under each page, there are child pages which have pages with various information but the most important information is a section where it shows "Workflow Status"- these can either be set as DRAFT, IN PROGRESS, DONE (just like my parent pages above). 

The statuses are driven through a workflow. My issue is if a page is currently under the parent DRAFT and workflow status is also DRAFT then I am happy however, when the status changes to IN PROGRESS the child page remains under DRAFT and so I manually need to move the page to the IN PROGRESS parent page. 

How can I set up something on confluence which allows this to happen automatically without my manual effort

2 answers

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Levente Szabo _Midori_
Atlassian Partner
February 23, 2024

@tarikul.islam Built-in status automation is limited, or non-existent in Confluence. Automation for Confluence offers ways to automate some things around status. I'm not sure what edition you use, but Automation is a Premium-only feature.

A go-to tool for status automation for Confluence Cloud in any edition, even free, is Better Content Archiving for Confluence. It's a dedicated content lifecycle management app, that allows you to:

  1. Define and use many page statuses, not just the 5 Confluence offers built-in
  2. Automate page statuses and have them refresh based on your own rules
  3. Send out notifications or archive automatically based on your rules

Your use case is fairly typical, and can easily be implemented. You can define a status using CQL in a way that applies to child pages as well (the second raw needs to be filled out):


It means that if you apply the label "in-progress" on a page, its status will go to In Progress AND its child page's status will also update to In Progress.

You could even set up an automatic notification to report on pages whose status changed to In progress yesterday, or last week, etc.

Here is a tutorial video on how to add automate Confluence statuses:

(Please note that Better Content Archiving for Confluence is a free/paid, supported app and I'm part of the team developing it.)

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I'm New Here
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February 23, 2024

Thanks Levente, will look into this :) 

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Adrian Hülsmann - B1NARY
Atlassian Partner
March 5, 2024

Hi @tarikul.islam 

for managing the content lifecycle and automating content statuses, you might also check out Breeze.

It is a feature-packed content lifecycle management solution that sounds like a good fit for your problem, offering:

  • automated content analyses and status updates,
  • review, archiving, and approval workflows (approval workflows coming very soon!),
  • Plus, there is much more, like page and space ownership, reports and notifications, analytics, and data export.


👉 Give it a try, or if you are interested in a personal demo, feel free to schedule an appointment with me.

Cheers and all the best, Adrian from B1NARY (we are the developers of Breeze)

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