Vertical scrollbars in database

melanie_boehmer January 23, 2025

When I embed a database in my confluence page, I get not one, but two vertical scrollbars. I do not mind the inner one to scroll through the values, but the outer scrollbar just scrolls for a tiny amount. Is there a way to remove this outer scrollbar? Maybe there is a way to decide how long the display of the database should be. Any advice?

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Tomislav Tobijas _Koios_
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January 26, 2025

Hi @melanie_boehmer ,

Could you maybe provide a screenshot of this behavior/issue you're experiencing? I believe I've seen it a couple of times but cannot be sure (although I haven't been embedding databases that often into the Confluence page).


melanie_boehmer January 28, 2025

Hi Tobi

Thanks for the reply. I looked at the database again to take a screenshot and for some reason the outer scrollbar has disappeared. I did not change any settings and I tried to find an example on another page but even there the issue disappeared. 

So, even though I have no idea what changed, the problem has resolved itself. 

But thank you for offering to help.



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