I am trying to automate the process of data model creation within the draw.io interface. To do this I have set up a csv file with my tables and their relationships, and when I insert with formatting it comes out pretty good. One thing I'd like to be able to do is have multiple child nodes within a parent node. Currently my standard node is just a rectangle with text inside, I'd like the option to have a parent node which would just be a larger, different color rectangle, and then child nodes (which would look like the standard node) within that larger rectangle.
Below is an example of what the csv formatting and import look like. I have tried using the identity and parent options but I am not sure how they work.
------------------ EXAMPLE -------------------------------------------
## Uses the given column name as the identity for cells (updates existing cells).
## Default is no identity (empty value or -).
# identity: - Table Name
## Uses the given column name as the parent reference for cells. Default is no parent (empty or -).
## The identity above is used for resolving the reference so it must be specified.
# parent: - ParentNode
## ---- CSV below this line. First line are column names. ----
Table Name, ParentNode, Fields, OneToOneRelationshipTable
Table1,,"a, b, c, etc.", Table2
Table2subA,Table2,"fields", Table2subB
Table2subB, Table2,"fields",