Using NOT EQUAL TO in labels

Deleted user May 9, 2018

I now we can use AND/OR when creating macros for Labels. Is there a way to use not equal to option. ie i want all the pages to show up which do not have certain labels mentioned in them

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Scott Theus
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May 9, 2018

Hi Fahad,

Have you tried using the NOT IN operator? ("...labels not in (Label1, Label2")

I've successfully used IN (Label1, Label2), I'm guessing NOT IN will work as well.



Deleted user May 11, 2018


Here is what I have. I'm not sure how to implement the Not Function as it does not give that option

Scott Theus
Rising Star
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May 14, 2018

If you click the "add a filter" link it will give you more options and functions.

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July 4, 2024

For a NOT search, enter a minus sign (-) before the label. This'll exclude everything with that label

from -->

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