Using CHarts and TableView Merger

Rayman Bacchus
June 14, 2024

I am trying to creating a chart from a TableView Merger which has three  Fields Domain, Location (can be USA, CAN), EstAmt


I can get the chart to show the EstAmt Total by Domain (above).

How do I make it show the split between the Location? I've been stuck on this for about 8 hours now and cannot figure out the formula I would use.

I basically want

[Domains] [Location Total]

Hoping someone can assist me with this

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Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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June 14, 2024

Add ConfiForms Field for Location

This way it will group by domain and location

the third column is not used by grouping as it is a formula

Rayman Bacchus
June 15, 2024

Thanks for this Alex! 

For the most part this works (it shows the total amount in the bar graph). The data section shows the amounts split, but I was also hoping to show it in the graph. Something like this:


I used the count formula for this table and it worked as required.  It counts the number of items that are either CAN, USA or BOTH











THis is currently what it shows:




 But I was hoping for a graph that does something similiar to the graph that shows the countries split (and stacked).

Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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June 18, 2024

Do you know in which data format expects the chart? This way I could help you with a ConfiForms side, preparing data in this format

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