User delete

help November 20, 2018


My confluence do not delete user

Licence 10 users

List 45 user

exist log 7zip 

no past this form question

3 answers

1 vote
Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Community Leader
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November 20, 2018

Ok, if you have a licence for 10 users but 50 active users, you cannot use the application as you have gone past your user limit.

It sounds like the reason this may have happened is that you have accounts that you make active in Confluence and Jira, and you've got shared access. 

For example, imagine this:

  • You have a group called "atlas-users"
  • You have told Jira "atlas-users can log in" 
  • You have told Confluence "atlas-users can log in" 

Then every person in atlas-users can log into both applications.  But you have 45 users in it, so while Jira (with a 50 user licence) is happy, Confluence sees it as exceeded, and hence goes read-only

To fix this:

  • Create a group jira-users, and put the right people into it (up to 50)
  • Create a group conf-users, and put the right people into it (up to 10)
  • Tell Jira that only "jira-users can log in" (remove atlas-users)
  • Tell Confluence that only "conf-users can log in" (remove atlas-users)

This means you can have different numbers of licenced users.

0 votes
help November 23, 2018

Thanks, your answer helped solve the problem.

0 votes
Rambabu Patina _Appfire_
Rising Star
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November 20, 2018

Hi @help, Welcome to the community,

Deleting users from Confluence is not recommended, rather you can remove them from all groups and roles and make them inactive. This would help you to keep the track of all the spaces/pages where the user worked on. 


help November 20, 2018

If the Jira for 50 licenses end Confluence 10 user

all users from one domain and activate 50 users JIra dont work 10 users Confluence

write license restriction (asks to turn off the extra,disconnected all superfluous all the same swears)

help my ))

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