User Macro not working after upgrade

Augustin Luton October 16, 2023


Could you please help me on this code? 

This is a user macro which displays a table with all spaces and their administrators, whatever the current user's permission.

It does not work since upgrading from 7.13 to 7.19

Thanks a lot for your help!


<table class="confluenceTable">
<th class="confluenceTh">Spaces</th>
<th class="confluenceTh">Admins</th>

#foreach ( $space in $spaces )
#if((!($space.isArchived())) && ($space.isGlobal()))

<td class="confluenceTd"><a href="$req.contextPath$space.getUrlPath()">$space.getName()</a></td>
<td class="confluenceTd">
#foreach ($permission in $space.getPermissions())
#if ($permission.isUserPermission() && $permission.getType() == "SETSPACEPERMISSIONS")

1 answer

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Augustin Luton October 18, 2023

This error message is displayed when editing the user macro:

User Macro display-all-spaces may use context keys [ spaceManager, req ] which are not set in system property macro.required.velocity.context.keys. If the macro is not rendered as expected, try to manually add those keys into the system property.

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