Use value in 1 confiform field (a link) to update another field with text from link

Kevin Gleeson August 7, 2024

I have a Confiform where the user inputs a link into a field e.g.

I have another field that I want to autopopulate with just the text that appears after the "taskid=" on submission.

So when you view the form output in a table you would see:

Link :

TaskId : 1a2b3c4d5f6g

Anyone know how I can do this - I have looked into IFTTT and Create/Update Entry and Regular Expressions etc but I just can't seem to get the right function/entry to make it work.

Any help greatly appreciated

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Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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August 7, 2024

You can use something like (split and get from


 (assuming your field name is called url and there is literally no other extra field is needed...)

Kevin Gleeson August 7, 2024

Hi @Alex Medved _ConfiForms_ ,

Thanks, that seems like a great idea.

I added it to my IFTTT to create/update entry for event onCreated:

Parameters to be set on entry:

entryId=[] & Taskid=(TaskLink.split(=).get(1))

But I'm getting this error in the Taskid field. I'm doing something wrong but not quite sure what it is. (Probably something horrendous :) )

"Expression: [(TaskLink.split(=).get(1))] could not be calculated, Unknown operator '.' at position 10"


Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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August 7, 2024

There is literally no IFTTT needed or anything like that

Screenshot 2024-08-08 at 09.27.32.png

But if you insist on using it then the parameters would be something along these lines



Kevin Gleeson August 7, 2024

Hi Alex,

That's great thanks. I knew it would be something on my end - ignored the "entry.".

The reason to push for IFTTT is more for future editing by others so there is a continuity in the creation of the form.

Thanks again - really appreciated.

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