Updating ALL of the articles in a space but need to keep both sets (old and new) through year-end

May 2, 2024

I'm not even sure how to ask this to get the answer I need but here's my best shot ...

All of the articles in the space where I write serve as the basis for my company's help center. The platform that the articles serve is being updated. Users may choose to use the Classic view or the new 2.0 view through the end of the year after which time the Classic view will no longer be available and all users must use the 2.0 view.

I need to duplicate the library of articles and then update all of the articles to reflect the changes in the platform's UI. Users need to be able to choose to view a Classic view help center article or a 2.0 view help center article, depending on which view they are working with. I must keep both sets of articles (Classic and 2.0) in the space until the Classic is obsolete on 12/31. 

What is the best approach for this?!

Thanks! :)

1 answer

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Jack Brickey
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May 2, 2024

You might consider establishing a new parent page for version 1.0 and another for 2.0. Make copies of each page and include the version info in the title of each page. Beyond that you will want to instruct the team on proper use of the pages.

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