Unable to view Unpublished Confluence pags

Jessica Cheong July 31, 2022

I want to delete unpublished Confluence pages & subpages that I had created. However, I can't seem the to do so - can't even see them to delete them. I have tried to view them via top menu option Recent -> Drafts, nothing appears in that view.

Have also tried the Recent / Recent Worked On views. Still can't see these unpublished pages.

Can someone please advise me how to view these unpublished pages and/or how to delete these drafts?

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Rilwan Ahmed
Community Leader
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August 1, 2022

Hi @Jessica Cheong ,

Welcome to the community !!

1. If you have created a page and not published, then you can find those pages under your profile  --> Worked on section. Drafts pages will have "DRAFT" label. 
Click on it and on the right top corner, click on 3 dots --> "Delete unpublished draft"

2. If you have edited a saved page and not published, then go to the page, click edit and on the right top corner, click on 3 dots --> "Revert to last published version". This will delete particular page drafts. 

Currently  it is not possible to bulk delete drafts created but not published. There as a Suggestion request raised for this. Please vote for it and start watching for updates.

Jessica Cheong August 1, 2022

Hi @Rilwan Ahmed  I have tried Profile (RHS top menu option) and went to the Worked On section (middle of screen) and even selected View all hyperlink - still can't see the unpublished pages.

Rilwan Ahmed
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
August 1, 2022

@Jessica Cheong 
Draft is displayed only when you add/modify content of a page and click "Close".  

If you don't see anything with draft label, that means you don't have any draft pages. 

Jessica Cheong August 1, 2022

@Rilwan Ahmed 

I did create a sub-page and clicked 'Close' without adding or modifying the content of the page. According to articles I had previously found, it seems to indicate that a draft is created even if the content is not modified. 

To not create a draft in this situation, various articles I had found states that you have to press the 'Delete unpublished page' option to not create a draft page.

This seems to align with my problem below. Below snapshot indicates that that there is sub-page under page 'Datawarehouse Power BI Video'; however, that sub-page is not visible. I want to delete the sub-page that is causing the 'down arrow' to appear. I can't find out where to see that 'invisible' sub-page to delete it.

Screenshot 2022-08-02 114402.png

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