Unable to view JIRA Issue/Filter on Confluence page

Nuno Fernandes April 27, 2023


I implemented one JIRA filter on the Confluence page, which output you can see on the image.




But I have one user that only sees this...


But if she selects the link, she can access the correct result in Jira.
So, she has access to Jira but not from Confluence using the macro.

Another strange thing is the column names. It appears "customfield_XXXXX" instead of the names.

I already saw:
On Jira - Permissions Schemas, Project Roles, Filter Permissions.
On Confluence - Page Permissions.

Any Ideas?


Nuno Fernandes


3 answers

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JIRA-Support ZKB November 24, 2023

Hi all

We face the same problem! Our inhouse customer could see the issue list and his college not!

In the confluence page there is the following constellation. In a expand macro there is the Insert Jira Issue/Filter macro inserted with a light complex filter.

We could reproduce this fault by adding the custom field, Team. If we remove the filed Team, the Issues are displayed for any user!

0 votes
Nuno Fernandes May 2, 2023

Hi all,

I have done additional tests and will try to describe them, in the best way I can. Just to be sure if my conclusions are correct:


On a public space + public page, to give access to everyone to a Jira query (users without Confluence and Jira access).

- I created a public space.
- I created a public page on that space.
- On that page, I inserted one Jira macro query.

Jira Filter Permissions:
- if I put permissions on the project level (this query only can be executed by users that have permission to see the project), the user see on Confluence page the following:


With Project Filter.png

as you can see, the user cannot see the result, it says the project doesn't exist and the custom field names don't appear.


-  if I put permissions "shared with anyone on the web" what appears on the Confluence is different:

Anyone on the Web.png

it already appears the custom field names and "no issues found".



I believe to get a Jira result query, the user must be login into Confluence and have permission on the project issues level, correct?

There is no way to show Jira query information on a public page to users that don't have access to Confluence or Jira, correct?



Rina Nir
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May 2, 2023

@Nuno Fernandes 

This is correct. The Jira query macro retrieves results with the access scope of the current user. If the current user can't view these issues in Jira, they'll not see them in Confluence with the Jira result query.

One way to set a query that shows the same results to everyone who can view the Confluence page, irrespective of their Jira access, is to use the Jira Snapshots for Confluence  App. Full disclosure: I am the product manager of this app.

I am unaware of a native way (without an App) to achieve this feat.



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Craig Nodwell
Community Leader
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April 28, 2023

Hi @Nuno Fernandes if the user runs that filter in Jira in the Search for issues what do they have returned?  

Nuno Fernandes April 28, 2023

Hi @Craig Nodwell ,


The correct result.
In this case, will see in Jira the 2 issues.


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