Unable to use macros and upgrade apps

George alpizar April 18, 2019

I have updated Confluence and have new license keys for apps; however, I cannot upgrade these apps.

Also, I cannot:

Insert macros into a document

Insert images and files into a document

Cannot move or delete documents

Users cannot click and enlarge already-embedded images and files

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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April 21, 2019

When you say "cannot <something>", could you explain what happens?  Are you not offered the option of doing something?  Are you offered it, try and it fails?  What are the error messages?

George alpizar April 21, 2019

Hi Nic!

For example, if I attempt to add a 'note' macro, I receive the following error message: You are not permitted to perform this operation. 

Additionally, when I attempt to upgrade apps with current licenses, I receive the following error message: An unexpected error occurred. Refer to the logs for more information.

My initial thought is that since I cannot upgrade the universal plugin manager for Jira, consequently, every thing else is breaking. 

(And just to clarify, I am an admin for this Confluence instance, so permissions should not be the issue here.)

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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April 21, 2019

This sounds like something is broken on the server side.  The "not permitted" should not happen for macros (and shouldn't be related to permissions either), and "unexpected error" means something bad has gone wrong.

I'm afraid we need to see what the log file is saying when these things are happening.  <confluence home>/logs/atlassian-confluence.log is the main one I'd expect useful errors to go into.

George alpizar April 22, 2019

Hi Nic, 

Here's the log file for the upgrade:  

2019-04-22 16:58:37,378 WARN [http-nio-8080-exec-13] [atlassian.upm.pac.MarketplaceReviewsAndNotificationsServiceImpl] getReviewInternal Marketplace returned error 401 when getting review at https://marketplace.atlassian.com/rest/2/addons/org.swift.confluence.cache/reviews/mine
 -- referer: https://docs.armor.com/plugins/servlet/upm?source=side_nav_manage_addons | url: /rest/plugins/1.0/available/org.swift.confluence.cache-key/review | traceId: XXXXXXXX | userName: XXXXXXX
George alpizar April 22, 2019

And we're also seeing a lot of these errors: 


2019-04-22 17:06:36,080 ERROR [http-nio-8080-exec-24] [plugin.redirection.license.LicensedConfluenceFilter] doFilter License Certificate has expired!
 -- url: / | traceId: XXXXXXXX | userName: XXXXX | action: index

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