Unable to find the new user in search dropdown when trying to add him/her to the confluence space

Shamshuddin Althamash K November 20, 2018

While I try to add a user to confluence space  and  give space permission

I give the username in the search bar  in individual users  . Before clicking the search  button I used to get a drop down with the list of users with the same name or same first or second name . 

After adding a new users successfuly to confluence  since morinig I am not getting there names in search dropdown before clicking on search button to give space permissions 


I have to put there names in search bar , click on search button , find the user and then add them to the space . This was not the case before

Can any body help on this

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November 20, 2018

@Shamshuddin Althamash K Are you in JIRA server or Cloud? go to

space setting -->Permission--> there you can add individuals or groups  


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