Unable to download file CachedConfigurationProvider.class for CVE-2022-26134

debonida September 18, 2023

Dear all,

I'm going to patch our current Confluence installation (v6.7.1) due to CVE-2022-26134.

According to this official page


I have to download two jars and one class file (CachedConfigurationProvider.class).

Jar files are present, but the class file is no longer available here:



Can you please re-upload or update the URL of the link?

Thank you


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September 25, 2023

Hi @debonida 

I just tried and it looks like the link is working. Could you please check again?

debonida September 25, 2023

Yeah, it has been fixed.

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September 25, 2023

Glad to hear that and I hope that your Confluence would be also safe and secure however if possible please think about upgrading to new version instead of patching. That is always a better way.

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