Unable to download ImageMap plugin v1.9 for Confluence 4.3.7

Infinera July 13, 2015

Hi,  We are trying to install the ImageMap plugin v1.9, which is the one compatible with our Confluence version (4.3.7), but with no success.  We tried using the UPM and downloading directly the .jar from the "Version History" page and both options weren't successful.

It seems that there is a problem with only this version (v1.9) since with the other files the download was successful.

4 answers

1 vote
lavitz slambert
Rising Star
Rising Star
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July 28, 2015

Strange, maybe the plugin got removed from atlassian base. Based on that you have two options:


Click on the raise support ticket link so one of the cloud engineers can check the atlassian repository for that or mail the plugin owner directly:



I would go with second option which I believe it will be way faster since this vendor made a new release of the plugin 3 days ago smile.


If you can reach him via email he will probably send you the jar file and re upload into atlassian marketplace.


Thanks and Regards,

Lavitz - the guy that uses Confluence on Windows as a Hobby!
1 vote
Giuliano C_
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 15, 2015

Hi Coriant, 

Would you kindly let us know what's happening when trying to install the add-on? Is there any message in the UI or something specific inside the atlassian-confluence.log file in the <Home/logs> folder? 

Depending on the results, different procedures may need to be taken. 



Giuliano T.

Atlassian Support

0 votes
Infinera July 21, 2015


Any news regarding this issue?



0 votes
Infinera July 15, 2015


We tried install the plugin using the UPM in Confluence but without success so we decided to download the plugin jar directly from the plugin version history page https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/de.dl.confluence.plugin.imagemap.ImageMapPlugin/versions, and again without success. Although we are able to download other versions. 

The problem does no rely in Confluence itself. It's on the plugin host.




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