Unable to create pages in a particular space

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August 1, 2024

Hi, when I click on create under the intended space, confluence rather takes me to a blank new page in a specific space (different from the one I intended to create under). There seems to be no way to modify the space path I intend to create in

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Seon Shakespeare
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August 1, 2024

Hi @Mayo.Soremekun

It sounds like this could be a permissions issue. Here's why that might be happening:

  • Each space in Confluence has its own settings for who can create pages. It's possible that you don't have permission to create pages in the space you're trying to use, but you do have permission to view the space Confluence keeps taking you to.

  • To fix this, you'll need to talk to the person or people who manage permissions for that space. They can check your access level and grant you the necessary permissions to create pages.

Hope this helps!

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