Unable to add Slack subscription

Wesley Wen September 2, 2018


I'm excited about the new Slack integration for Confluence, and giving it a try on our cloud instance. However, it's failed to add subscription for Space and given page.

It displays a Slack error dialog and says Something went wrong while creating subscription. Please try again later or contact support. Error ID:...

Anyone met this issue?


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Caroline Bartle
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 3, 2018

Hi Wesley, I'm sorry you're encountering an issue with creating subscriptions.

In order to further troubleshoot the issue, can you please raise a support ticket here?: https://support.atlassian.com/contact/

Please add the following details to the ticket:

  1. Slack workspace URL
  2. Confluence Cloud URL  
Wesley Wen September 3, 2018

Hi Caroline,

Yes, I created a support issue and worked with atlassian team.


Bernd Anderer October 26, 2018

@Wesley Wen: I just ran into that issue. Is your Slack channel set to private? The channel that causes the issue for me is set to private. Other channels seem to work fine.

Wesley Wen October 26, 2018

Hi Bernd,

No, my target channel is public. I did not setup any private slack subscription yet. Anyway, I have the Atlassian support team to resolve my issue correctly.

Bernd Anderer October 26, 2018

Thank you for your reply ... and good luck ;-) 

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