Trying to create Retro example - Confluence Software Team's Guide to Confluence

Andy July 31, 2018

I am trying to copy page 51 of the Atlassian Confluence guide entitled - Software Team's Guide to Confluence. The problem is that i was getting CSS error and the wiki page didnt display the panel at all. I created a panel then tried to put children panels inside the parent. Can anyone tell me step by step how to re-create the retro example in this document?

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Zak Laughton
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 2, 2018

Hi Andrew!

I understand you are receiving CSS errors when you try to recreate the panels as described on page 51 of the Software Team's Guide to Confluence.

While it's possible to put panels within other panels, this is different from what is pictured in the eBook. The example uses page layouts to create separate sections, then places the panel macro in those sections, as described on page 50.

As for the CSS error, I'd like to know more details about the error you're seeing to get a better idea of what might be causing it:

  • What does the error say?
  • Where are you seeing it? (e.g. on the published page? in the editor? in the macro dialogue? if possible, a screenshot of the error will be helpful)
  • What fields do you have filled in for the panel macro, and what values are you using? (e.g. "Border Color: #F0F5FF")


Andy August 2, 2018

Hi Zak,

Oh ok. I see. I am new so I will get back to you if I get anymore errors.


Andy August 2, 2018

I tried to do that page 50 example again. I created a frame by clicking add clicking layout and add section. Within the area I added a section and split it in two using the lay out icons. In each area I put a panel. So I have a frame split in tow with a panel in each of the sections. The problem is that the sections are looking close to each other in the edit view but when I publish they are very far apart. Does anyone have any ideas to get them to look closer to the example on page 50 of the software team guide to confluence? This time I have no errors.

Zak Laughton
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 3, 2018

Glad to hear you're not seeing the errors any more. I just tried the steps you described, but couldn't reproduce the behavior. When I create a page layout section and add a panel to each one, they appear side-by-side with a small gap as they do in the pdf example:

Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at 2.57.31 PM.png

Could you provide a screenshot of the panels in the editor and a screenshot of the panels on the published page?

Andy August 3, 2018

I am sorry I cant because I cant remember what I did. Next time I will be sure and document it. I will be playing with the layout again and working with the page properties macro again.

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