Translation in Thai

SUMMIT June 27, 2019

We need to translate the content on our Confluence site to Thai language. Thai is not one of the in-built supported languages. Also, there is no Language Pack available for Thai. Any thoughts?

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 28, 2019

Hello there!

You are correct. As of today, there is no translation to Thai available for Confluence .

According to our article, these are our translations:

According to the same document, we can request translations for languages that are not yet available here:

Now, if you need to translate content created in Confluence, you can refer to this other article here:


Let us know your thought on this!

Paul Sherman April 22, 2024

Feel free to reach me. ผมเขาใจภาษาไทยอ่านและเขียนด้ยจ๊ะ am very happy to help pro bono, for the good of collabotation and open source.

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