Too many email notifications?

Philip Winston June 2, 2013

We just upgraded to Confluence 5.1.2 from a very old version. I don't remember exactly how notifications used to be, but now we get rapid fire diff emails if someone is repeatedly editing a page. Would be nice to coalesce these into once an hour or something, is this possible? Google suggests it is not, but I wanted to hear any ideas how to handle this. Maybe the answer for now is just turn that type of notification off is that possible to do globally? It's definitely annoying as-is.

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Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
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June 2, 2013
  • You can opt to stop watching a page and/or space.
  • If there are minor changes to pages, ask people to tick the checkbox that says "minor change" before saving and that will stop these notifications going out.
Philip Winston June 4, 2013

Oh duh I forgot about the minor change things. That is good to remember. I guess in the past we never checked it because it didn't really matter. But now with current notifications it does matter, it seems like just good manners to check minor change.

I'm also used the Wikipedia were "minor change" means something very strict, like you can't have changed the visible word at all really. But where we can use it however we want, so people can check minor change quite a lot, and leave it off only for really big changes

Philip Winston June 5, 2013

Also I notice "minor change" is now called "notify followers" which I think makes it clear it can be use liberally if desired.

2 votes
Peter Jansen
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October 4, 2015

Hi - I think the watch feature is great but Confluence sends too many e-mails.  We are on Confluence 4.3 and about to update to Confluence 5 and I've been looking to see if e-mails have been improved.  What I think is needed is the ability to bundle the updates sent for pages you watch into one daily e-mail.  I think this is similar to "Subscribe to daily updates" but instead of showing changes too all spaces you have permissions to it should just show changes to pages or spaces you are watching.

I'd like to know if this is in the roadmap for Confluence?

I also the the comment below is good.

Randall L Wolf
Sorry, that previous posting was from me.
The email updates are a great feature and especially the "daily digest" of all space changes.
But on an active wiki, the updates for each change made by people you are following can produce quite a bit of email traffic. It would be nice to allow settings to configure:
instant notification of changes made by people you follow (as it is now)
or a daily digest of changes made by people you follow
or (as other wiki's like pmwiki ...

1 vote
Richard Boult February 11, 2014

I want all the notifications in Confulence, but I don't want any emails (old technology!). How can I set that up ?

0 votes
Bhushan Nagaraj
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June 2, 2013

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