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The Collector and Jira Issue/Filter in Confluence sometimes removes some text under the HTML block

Kirk Gonzalez
February 20, 2025

In all my Confluence pages in a certain space, I have the format of the footer as an icon, the text "Navigating this path" and three bullet text sentences underneath. Then under that I'm using the Page Tree macro (Page Tree | root = company name with Include Search Box above Page Tree and Show Expand/Collaps Links selected with start depth at 1.)

Under that, I have the Note macro with some text, and under that, I have the Page properties | id = OSCDRH | Hidden = True.  So far, everything works fine. 

On some pages, I have a collector and the JIRA Issue/Filter. If these are the last entries on the page, they work fine. But my boss doesn't like the Submit button so far down the page, and I would like the footer section to remain constant on all the pages of this space. 

But if I move the collector and Jira Issue/Filter in the middle of the page, any regular body text disappears (but still in the Edit), and the bullet text under the icon is also gone. I've experimented with Page Layout options, and I don't like them (also, I cannot seem to adjust the width after the option is selected). My company is VERY restrictive. I'm having to go to my personal computer to even access this confluence forum. So getting other macros from the marketplace is not possible. Has anyone else experienced something like this? Is this a bug, or is there a solution? 

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