Team Calendars not showing name in iCal subscription

Valerie Klint November 21, 2018

I have a calendar that in Team Calendar in Confluence the entries look like this:


But in Google Calendar it looks like this:



What I expect it to look like is this with the person's name who has been added to the "who". This is an example of a calendar event subscription from another calendar from the same instance of Confluence Team Calendars:


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Daniel Eads
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 5, 2018

Hi Valerie,

Unfortunately that's a limitation with the way the iCal format works. In Confluence Team Calendars, we're able to have extra fields for each event. The names you see in Confluence come from the "Who" field, and the icon is coming from the event type. There aren't analogous fields in Google Calendar for calendar subscriptions (event types would just be separate calendars for example).

It's not a pretty workaround but I'd suggest putting the extra data you need right in the Summary field (assuming the calendar subscription is more important than clean presentation in Confluence).


Valerie Klint December 6, 2018

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for your response. If that's so, then why does the name show up sometimes? The last screenshot in my original question (Klint, Valerie: Summer Vacation) is a screenshot from Google Calendar of an iCal subscribed Confluence calendar.

If I'm reading your response correctly if what you say is true then the name would never show up in any iCal subscribed event from Confluence Team Calendars, but it does sometimes.

Daniel Eads
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 6, 2018

Hey Valerie,

You're right - something felt off about your lower screenshot so I did some extensive testing. The difference you're seeing has to do with the Event Type used in Confluence's Team Calendars.

The "Event" type or any custom event types you create don't require the Who field to be populated. Just the Leave, Birthday, and Travel event types that come by default. What I found in testing was that those three event types (Leave, Birthday, Travel) which did require a "who" exported properly.

In Confluence:





As you can see, that "Event" type event didn't bring across my name when exported.

Since this is pretty confusing and not really expected, I've opened up bugs for both Confluence Cloud and Confluence Server for this (both behaved the same way). Vote on and watch those issues if you feel inclined!

So the workaround to get "Who: What" in Google Calendar is to just use the Birthday, Leave, and Travel event types that require a Who in Confluence.

Thanks for pushing back on that so we tracked the problem down!


Valerie Klint December 7, 2018

Ahh, thanks Daniel! That definitely clears things, up as to why it's happening.

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