Team Calendar restrictions

Fedor Sukharev March 20, 2012

Actually, Team Calendar restrictions are not restrictions.

If there are no restrictions defined, everyone can add/delete events and delete entire calendar.

But if the group or user defined in Team Calendar restrictions, behavior changes upside down: only restricted group or user can add/delete events and delete entire calendar.

I suggest to rename restrictions to something else.

2 answers

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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March 20, 2012

Restrict in other word means limit. Similar to Page Restrictions in Confluence, you can define view and edit restrictions for Team Calendars by Confluence group and individual user. If a group or user does not have permission to view a calendar, they will not be able edit the calendar either. Since we are applying the same functionality as Page Restriction in Confluence in Team Calendars, it seems appropriate to name it as Restriction to limit viewing and editing permissions only to the chosen individual and/or groups.

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Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
March 20, 2012

Restrict in other word means limit. Similar to Page Restrictions in Confluence, you can define view and edit restrictions for Team Calendars by Confluence group and individual user. If a group or user does not have permission to view a calendar, they will not be able edit the calendar either. Since we are applying the same functionality as Page Restriction in Confluence in Team Calendars, it seems appropriate to name it as Restriction to limit viewing and editing permissions only to the chosen individual and/or groups. Or viewing and editing permissions are only limited to the chosen individual and/or groups.

Fabio Genovese July 26, 2012

I saw a strange thing about restriction in Team Calendar. I don't know if it's a known issue.

After setting and removing restriction (a user of confluence_user), user is able to edit events in shared calendar. always :-s

I don't understand how it's possible. Someone can explain? could be a problem of a specific version of Team Calendar or Confluence?

Onur Karabacak
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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November 28, 2016

Is there any solution for this issue? 


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