Tables and Searching

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December 29, 2022

I am building a table that will house a list of blog posts. I am hoping there's a way for me to enable a search feature of the table itself, so that people don't have to search the entire table for a blog they want, since it will have many many rows. 


Also, is there a way for me to make my table multiple pages, instead of just a long running list? Since this table will have many entries, I don't want to take up the whole page and have people have to scroll through the whole thing to get past it. 

2 answers

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David February 23, 2023

Hi @lindsey.friday ,

You can use the table filter plugin. It's a great tool for searching, combining tables, etc...



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February 23, 2023

Hi @lindsey.friday ,

As @David has kindly mentioned, the Table Filter and Charts for Confluence app indeed may come in handy for combining several tables into one master table, for filtering and searching, for using pagination and row/column freezing, etc.

We'll be happy to arrange a live demo for you and your team - please book a suitable time-slot here.

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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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December 29, 2022

Hi @lindsey.friday and welcome to the community,

I don't think that you can separate a table among pages automatically. You can do it by hand :/

However my question is why you don't want to use the built in blog macro, which list your blog posts

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