Table of Contents macro - how can I exclude a header *and all its subheaders* in the TOC?

Linus W
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December 24, 2018

I see how I can use regexs to exclude arbitrary lines, but I would like all subheadings to be excluded as well, if a parent header is excluded. However, I only want my Heading 1s to differ by name, while all sub-sections of each Heading 1 to use the same naming structure. So if I had something like:

* Phase 1 - master the kraken
  * step 1
  * step 2
* Phase 2 - deploy the kraken
  * step 1
  * step 2
  * step 3

and only wanted to show "Phase 1" items for now, is there a way to get the TOC Macro to also exclude "Phase 2" and everything below it, without having to rename all the sub-sections with a string unique to phase 2 so a regex can find them all?

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Bill Bailey
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December 26, 2018

Not sure what your use case is (why you want to do this), but I cannot think of any way to do what you want to do with the ToC macro without adding some constant text to headings you don't want to appear.

The only other way I can think of is the wrap the ToC macro in a user macro, then apply CSS to hide what your don't want (nth child selectors).  Or just create a custom user macro.

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