Storage issues

SaravanaKumar November 7, 2022

Do archived spaces will make count in the overall storage in the confluence cloud or it will be not taken into count?

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Andy Gladstone
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November 7, 2022

@SaravanaKumar an archived space does not remove it from your overall storage in Confluence Cloud. It will count towards your storage limit/quota as the content remains live in your storage pool but is only removed from navigation and searches in your instance.

Hope this helps.

Andy Gladstone
Community Leader
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November 18, 2022

@SaravanaKumar was my answer helpful? Please consider marking it as accepted so that others may find it when looking for similar content.

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September 1, 2024

@Andy Gladstone when an attachment or page (not sure if the same treatment for both) is in trash does it count towards storage limit?

I know it does when archived.

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