Stiltsoft table spreadsheet

Lisset Salazar September 1, 2022

The cell(s) I copy/paste or manipulate in the workbook stay selected when I publish. It looks weird. Any reccos for how to get rid of it?

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Lisset Salazar September 1, 2022

Screen Shot 2022-09-01 at 3.14.56 PM.png

Lisset Salazar September 1, 2022

@[deleted] Any insight is appreciated.

Lisset Salazar September 23, 2022

@Katerina Kovriga {Stiltsoft}  I did the "esc" and left click you recommended. It works to remove the selected box (that active looking border) but then when I re-publish my table, the initial active border still shows up. Just fyi for whoever is working on the weird behavior in the cells.

Katerina Kovriga {Stiltsoft}
Rising Star
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September 23, 2022

By the initial border do you mean the one active cell that is always active by default? It is expected behaviour for the macro. We consider to improve the "Esc border" behaviour.

But you may refer to our support team and describe the desired pattern - we have a roadmap for user requests, collect votes and implement new features.

4 votes
Katerina Kovriga {Stiltsoft}
Rising Star
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September 2, 2022

Hi @Lisset Salazar ,

The current behavior of the Table Spreadsheet macro is as following: after you copy/paste cells and save the changes, the source border doesn't disappear and the copied cells remain selected.

Fri 4-1.png

To get rid of the source border, hit the "Esc" key on your keyboard.

To get rid of the selected cells, left-click somewhere on the sheet - only one cell will be active then.

Fri 4-2.png

We've also created a new ticket for our internal roadmap based on your request and consider to improve this behavior. I'll link this thread to the ticket and return here with any updates on the case.

Thank you for reaching out!

Lisset Salazar September 6, 2022
Hatcher_ Karen M_ _SP_ March 12, 2024

I may be executing the Escape then Left Click Workaround incorrectly, but I cannot get rid of the highlight on the original cells. 


Also, I occasionally see small gray boxes on my spreadsheet with the number "60" or "61" in them. What does this signify?

Stiltsoft support
Rising Star
Rising Star
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March 12, 2024

Hi @Hatcher_ Karen M_ _SP_ ,

We've checked the behavior both for Data Center (ver 11.0.0) and Cloud: everything works as it was for us. The Esc on your keyboard deletes the source border and the left-click of your mouse deletes the border from your copied cells.

What concerns gray boxes - are we talking about these ones?

Tue 5-1.png

They count how many cells were selected by you (six cells for my example).

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Hatcher_ Karen M_ _SP_ March 12, 2024

Thank you for responding so quickly. I appreciate it! I tried the workaround again, and instead of selecting a single cell, I selected (left-clicked) several cells. 

Yes, that is the number that I am seeing.


Thank you again!

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