Status of Postgres 10.x support

Steffen Pirsig
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January 16, 2019

Dear Support,

I can see that PostgresSQL 10.x is not among the supported database servers for Confluence 6.13. I've seen your knowledge base article (eg. CONFSERVER-57666) and I wondered what the current plans are regarding this requirement.

Other server systems require us to move to 10.x in the very near future.

Thanks and best regards.
 Till Warweg

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Stephen Sifers
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 17, 2019

Hello Steffen,

You are correct in that PostgreSQL is not a supported platform for Confluence server yet. There is another feature request that is published which discusses more about PostgreSQL 10, you may find this request at CONFSERVER-52715. We would suggest you vote and watch this request to receive updates on its status.

A note within that feature request states the following:

We have recently released support for Microsoft SQL 2016/2017 and Oracle 12c R2. Currently we are working on a major upgrade from Java 8 to Java 11, including support for OpenJDK.
I expect that PostgreSQL 10 support will be following shortly after this.

With this said, support for PostgreSQL 10 doesn’t seem to be that far away. As far as an ETA on when, the above feature request will be the best source of information on updates..

I hope this proves helpful and sheds some insight on support for PostgreSQL 10.

Stephen Sifers

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