Spaces vs. projects

KenMcD (deprecated) March 21, 2012

My question is a fundamental question re organizing spaces and projects.

Our company develops products and does custom development work for some large clients.

My understanding was that everything within one space is seperate from another space (1) please confirm.

As such, my thought was to create one space for internal product development housing many projects and one space per major client where we would house custom development projects. Finally, I was thinking of creating one last (third) space for common company questions (HR, Policies, producedure, company news). (2) does this make sense / is this common pracitce?

What I have found is somewhat frustrating. I have created the three spaces (via the "add space" option on the main system dashboard, however, this creates a project within called the same thing as the space. I then add projects (thinking that I am within the space) and it creates new spaces for the product (which I found odd). I see these on the system dashboard as separate spaces. When I browse a particualr space (let's say our main development space), I see the projects dropdown containing several projects (but not all).

(3) what gives? Do I have multiple spaces one for each project or multiple projects under one space - and how can I confirm the difference?

We are nering the end of our one-month on demand trial, and I think that I need to understand these fundamental topics before proceeding too far. My hope was to purchase the projects for download once I had understood the fundamentals and kickstarted a few projects on demand.

Any help/guidance you can provide would be most appreciated.

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KenMcD (deprecated) March 21, 2012

Just found one more way to add a space... clicking on my name in the top right-hand corner and choosing "Administration" loads an administration page with three tabs (Genera, Issues, Wiki)... clicking on the Wiki link, I see lots that I can customize, but one in particular - under general configuraiton, I see an option to add a space...

Is this a new "highest"-level space (and therefore totallly separate from all other work)... is this the one that I should use to create my three desired spaces (internal product development space / client-specific space(s) / Internal Policies space)? If so, cool.

I therefore would not creat new (nested) spaces within the internal product development space, but just projects within this space?

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ben davies
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8 years and several versions later, and I am completely confused as a new users as to the relationship of spaces to projects and the intended use of each.

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Bart van den Ende
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October 18, 2012

This is a very valid question! We have the same setup and it is actually anoying to each time remove a space when we would only like to add a jira project

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Jo-Anne MacLeod
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March 21, 2012

The configuration that you are doing is a common setup. When you are adding new projects within a space, which I am assuming means that you are adding a page within the space, what is probably happening is this. When you add a new page to a space, it willl put you in the page. If you have not noticed that, then when you add your next page it will be nested under your last one. You can fix this by following the breadcrumbs back to your space home page, and then adding your project.

You can move the pages if you want by selecting "move", but if the page is empty it may just be easier to delete it and recreate it in the correct place.

Make sense?

KenMcD (deprecated) March 21, 2012

Hi Jo-Anne, thanks for a very quick response.

I'm having no issue in creating wiki pages, nor moving them around - several hundred created already. My issue is in setting up spaces and projects. I am creating new spaces using the "add space" on the page found by: System Dashboard... see three menu options where breadcrumbs normally are (Dashboards, Issues, Agile). I also see two tabs (Issues and Wiki). Clicking on the Wiki tab, I see a main page (not sure what space nor what project)... it contains widgets that show me my favourite spaces and global spaces. I click on new space and this adds both a project and a new space....

Is this what a nested space is all about? Still confused... thanks agian for your help.

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