Space avatars not displaying after migration

wdonovan May 13, 2021

After copying Confluence to a new server (the old one is being retired), the Space Avatars show as broken links.  I've rebuilt the search index as suggest by their support group but that didn't help.  How can I fix this?

This is all part of a migration/upgrade project that has taken much longer than anticipated.

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Charlie Misonne
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May 14, 2021

If I'm not mistaken Space icons are kept in <confluence-home>/attachments/ver003/nonspaced.

Try copying that directory from your old to your new server.
I hope it helps!

wdonovan May 14, 2021

A clearing of browser cache seems to have fixed it.


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Vladislav Polyutkin June 16, 2024

Just for the information as of 2024:

There is no such directory in confluence data center (v.8.5.9)

Clearing browser cache do not help also.

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