Space PDF Export issues still continuing

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January 19, 2023

I know that this was supposed to get enhanced/fixed, but is anyone else experiencing issues with this?

We have a two-day outage that's taking place to merge Confluence spaces this weekend. Our tech support and customer support need access to the documentation from a specific space for content. I've now wasted TWO FULL BUSINESS DAYS trying to blob together tiny little sections from a total of 1500 articles into PDF exports that the system can handle (the majority hit 50% and time out, or it sits and does nothing at 0% processed). I am so frustrated that I'm having to do this. For how much money the organization is spending on Confluence, the space Export should actually work. Don't even have the feature available for use if it doesn't work, please.

Will Atlassian do a mass PDF export for me if I contact them?

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Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
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January 20, 2023

Hi @AH ,

I'm sorry for your issue. BTW, ticket is still in progress

Currently Atlassian provided the following workaround :


Perform a custom export with a minimal number of pages to reduce the number of attachments in the export file.

When trying the custom export, please export the Restricted pages separately, as these pages will not be added to the export

Hope this helps,


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