Some members of my team cannot update cofluence whiteboard, the rest can

Les Croasdaile
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January 14, 2025


I have a weekly taskboard setup in Confluence using the new Whiteboards, 17 of the team can interact and update the boards and you can see them when interacting on the board.

I have 2 staff with the same permissions as the rest that are unable to update the boards, we cannot see any content they are updating.


Any idea why this might be please?





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Manoj Gangwar
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January 14, 2025

Hi @Les Croasdaile Welcome to the community!

Even though they have the same Confluence permissions, Whiteboards might have additional configurations for access. Double-check the specific permissions or settings for the Whiteboard to ensure their access is configured correctly.

Also, Verify their account settings in Confluence and compare with other users if they have been added in the same groups.

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