Site restore process failed

alanlu alanlu November 17, 2023

 I have everyday backup a confluence 8.4.0 site from a place. It was a zip package file. Now I want to restore Nov 16th's backup in my new deployed confluence 8.4.0. I selected the restore site action in the function "Backup & Restore" and selected my zip package. The entire zip package is 600+M. When the import reaches 99%, it reports an error with the following message: "Site restore process failed with an error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to restore plugin data: ImportExportException while importing plugin data for : com.atlassian.activeobjects.confluence.spi. activeObjectsBackupRestoreProvider".

 Is there a way to look it up? and how can I fix this issue? thank you for get your suggestion!

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Shawn Doyle - ReleaseTEAM
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November 17, 2023

Have you looked at the Confluence log files to see if there are more details on the error?

Site restore process failed with an error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to restore plugin data: ImportExportException while importing plugin data for : com.atlassian.activeobjects.confluence.spi. activeObjectsBackupRestoreProvider

This is a fairly generic error message you will need to dig a bit to get something a little more helpful. It's basically just telling you that the backup and restore addon failed.

alanlu alanlu November 17, 2023

I checked log file message and got:"There was an error during import/export with <unknown plugin>: Error executing update for SQL statement 'ALTER TABLE A0_9412A1_USER_APP_LINK ADD CONSTRAINT fk_ao_9412a1_user_app_link_user_id FOREIGN KEY (USER_ID) REFERENCES A0_9412A1_A0USER(ID)’”,I looked two pulgins were there with purchase and installation unavailable status by default when I installed a  confluence 8.4.0, should I uninstall them them do everyday backup and the backup can be imported and restored to new confluence 8.4.0 site

Shawn Doyle - ReleaseTEAM
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November 17, 2023

I would try that

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Rilwan Ahmed
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November 17, 2023

Hi @alanlu alanlu ,

Welcome to the community !!

If an XML backup is done from one Confluence instance running on one type of database type, and is then imported into another Confluence instance using a different database type, then chances are the import will fail due to incompatible types.

Workaround is in

2. You can't restore a backup into an earlier version of Confluence. 
For example, if your XML backup was generated from Confluence 8.3, you can't import it into Confluence 7.19.

alanlu alanlu November 17, 2023

1. my confluence sites is 8.4.0, my databases is 8.0.26, there are same;

2. confluence 8.4.0 backup and import it another confluence 8.4.0,


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