Show linked Jira issues on a Confluence page

Brian Fischer
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January 28, 2020

I'm able to create a nice linking between Jira and Confluence like described in following two stories

  • As a PO, I want to define detailed requirements in pages on confluence and user stories in Jira
  • As a Jira user, I want link Jira issues with Confluence pages using the "Link page" feature i Jira

but I'm not able to see linked issues in Confluence

  • As a Confluence user, I want to see all linked user stories on a requirement page 



Can I construct a JQL query to extract Jira issues linked to current Confluence page?

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James Conway
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January 28, 2020

you could consider using:

"Epic Link" = KEY-1234


labels = common-label 

 another option would be to look at a an app on the marketplace, I am aware of Requirements Yogi that can link Confluence and Jira, there may be other apps that fit your use case.

Brian Fischer
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January 29, 2020

I have thought about your solutions but it will require users to remember to tag Jira issues and adding a custom JQL to all Confluence pages... we will for sure miss links when it's based on manually tagging.

I would prefer a smarter solution (if possible).

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Ashley Wallace
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September 3, 2021

I am interested in an answer to this. Was this ever solved ? It seems like it should be basic functionality to see a list of JIRA issues where the confluence page has been linked. 

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Joshua Giese
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March 7, 2023

Also curious if anyone has come up with a solution for this. We want this for EUP pages to show the issues that are related to that EUP.

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