Search within a page from page tree

Josh March 31, 2020

I know it is possible to search with a specific space on Confluence, but is it possible to search within a specific page from the page tree in that spaces?


For example, I click the spaces drop down and choose the space I want to search in,

Then, I have the page tree on the left hand side with 10 or more different categories, is it possible to search within one of these categories?



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Jim Schwilk
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March 31, 2020

Hello Josh.  Are you trying to search the page that is displayed at the time or across all pages within that parent?

If only on that page, you can use the built in browser search, if not at least in the server version when you click search, you can select the space and page from the filter and then search from there.



Hope that helps.

Josh March 31, 2020

Hi Jim,


Thank you for getting back to me,

I have just realised I can get that page option so that helps narrow my search further so thank you for that

Is there a way to select the specific parent page and search just within that one Catagory?

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Josh March 31, 2020

It may help if i post an example, I would like to only search in the "Catalogiong" section of the page tree

screenshot.pngscreenshot 2.png

Jim Schwilk
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March 31, 2020

Not that I can see, even looking into the advanced search I don't see a way.

Josh April 6, 2020

Hi Jim,


Just in case you were wondering I figured out how to do this.


Click Advanced Search, then click "Add a Filter" then click "With Parent"


This allows you to do a search within a parent page and all of its child pages, or if you want a narrower search you can type in a more specific child page

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Eric P
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May 25, 2022

I was looking for this feature to go down the tree but the filter "With Parent" is only good for direct pages under the parent not as recursive mode search.

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April 22, 2024

By using "With Ancestor", you can get the recursive mode search, so all direct and indirect child pages will be searched.

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