Search Function

Tammy Duong February 19, 2025

Hi team,

I've encountered the same problem with this post, just wondering until now is there any other solutions for this and how can I solve this problem to find the exact result in the first attempt?

In addition, besides the two Macro (live search and page tree search) for searching, are there any other ways where i can set up more search functions to find the result better for our company knowledge base?

Please advise on how to set up the search in Confluence.

Thank you for your help.

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Tomislav Tobijas _Koios_
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February 20, 2025

Hi @Tammy Duong ,

I would say there is no 'standardized' solution to this. Whenever searching for content, we try to use native filters or search syntax as much as possible.

Also using labels or some specific keywords on the pages themselves can help a lot. 

There are also a few suggestions based on general search or macro search improvements so you might want to check out those: project = CONFCLOUD AND resolution = Unresolved and text ~ "search improvement" 

If you have any specific 'use case' maybe someone here could provide some additional insights based on that.


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