Rich text editor is totally unavailable in Confluence 4.0

Kirill Kovalenko
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September 21, 2011


Have a problem - rich text editor unavailable.

I tried all browsers, and result always the same - disabled tools panel and no edit field presented.

Im administrator, so have all rights.

Any ideas?

2 answers

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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September 21, 2011

Check your rights include Edit - an admin gets rights over settings, not necessarily any content (I'm an admin here, 780 spaces, I can only edit 12. I can give myself the permission to edit the others if I feel like it, because I'm admin, of course)

Secondly, check the plugins - are there any disabled that are in the "system" list and look like they are related to editing?

Check the logs for errors too?

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Rising Star
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September 21, 2011

Hello there!

Did you try re-running the migration of wiki markup to xhtml?

To manually re-run migration:

  1. Open <site>/admin/force-upgrade.action
  2. From the 'Upgrade task to run' list select wikiToXhtmlMigrationUpgradeTask
  3. Click 'Force Upgrade'.

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