Restricting Confiform field change

Barry Smyth
May 14, 2024

I have a field on a form that I want to restrict people from changing. The field is a dropdown field with 4 possible values 01,02,03 and 04.

I want to restrict people from changing to anything other than 01 (which it defaults too).

The rule I want to add is

If the field value has changed AND
the value of the field is not equal to 01 AND
the user id is not equal to 123456

then do not allow the change.

How do i do that. I have tried with condition and validation rules but I am clearly not getting the syntax right. Can someone talk me through its?


I've decided that the simplist approach to this is to make a field read only if the user is not 123456. But even trying to find the condition for that is proving painful. I've tried everything so far and nothing works



Run Validation Rule to set the field to Read Only.


OK realised that wont work because its a drop down field, so instead tried hiding the field if the user is not 123456 and showing the field if the user is 123456. But none of that worked either, so at this time I am officially throwing in the towel and giving up. Clearly it just CANNOT be done, at least by me.



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Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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May 14, 2024


Expression (condition) for the validation rule

hasChanged(field):true AND !field:01 AND !_user:123456


Barry Smyth
May 15, 2024

Thanks Alex, perfect as always. And if I want to have change that slightly and make it equal to two users would it be the following.

hasChanged(field):true AND !field:01 AND (_user:123456 OR _user:654321)
Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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May 15, 2024
(hasChanged(field):true AND !field:01) AND (_user:123456 OR _user:654321)

But consider using something like "userInSecurityGroup" instead 

To make this easier to maintain (not hardcoding to specific user accounts, but security groups)

Barry Smyth
May 15, 2024

Nice idea on the securitygroups but unfortunatly that's an admin function to setup and involves so much internal red tape its not worth the effort, alas.

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