Resize image by pixel is needed
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March 3, 2022


our company need the image resize by pixel as described in

[CONFCLOUD-67554] Resize image by pixel on new editor - Create and track feature requests for Atlassian products.

but this task ist unassigned currently and reported by an inactive user.

So how can this item be put to work to a living workflow that is taken care by Atlassian?


Volker Helmer

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Brant Schroeder
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June 12, 2022 Welcome to the Atlassian community

The feature request is still gathering interest.  You should vote and comment on the request.  Sometimes these requests take months, years, or never make it on the roadmap.
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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June 13, 2022

Hi Brant,

thanks for your reply. I voted already. So I cannot do more right now?

Maybe can you explain why certain feature from the server or data center version are not available in the Atlassian Cloud (AC)? This makes the migration quite hard, cause the user are used to feature they will now loose and therefore don't want to migrate to the cloud.

Does Atlassian not implement them cause they cannot be technically realised in the AC? Or does Atlassian focus on the "basic" features first and then from time to time increases to the more "not so interesting features" step by step?

Please advise to give us more understanding and acceptance.

I am the product manager here in a german bank and we have some thousands of users that have to understanding that there "features" are missing in the AC.



Brant Schroeder
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June 14, 2022 I am not positive why Atlassian has not released this feature.   They control their products and what gets released.  I would reach out directly to their sales / support with your specific issues with migration.  The community is full of users that help other users so I will not have the insight that an actual employee would have. 

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