Basically I created this rough draft of a new "wiki" in Space A, and now we're wanting to develop a copy of it in Space B simultaneously. However, Space B has a style sheet like 350 lines long, and it's messing with the appearance of a lot of things.
The only approach I can currently think of, after much googling, is to to have a CSS style sheet multi-excerpted into every page in the "wiki", and manually override all 350 lines of stylization. Which would maybe be fine, but I don't even know where to find the Confluence website defaults to set things to.
I was hoping there might be some way to just revert a single page's style to the Confluence defaults with CSS code? I've tried using some things like, "all: initial/revert/unset, etc.", but that changes the appearance of headers and text and buttons to look like webpages from the 90s, so they clearly aren't defaulting back to the Confluence defaults.
Basically I need this one page tree in the space to have its own built-in CSS style, otherwise I have to redesign the entire aesthetic specifically for this new space, which is also going to hinder the scalability of this "wiki" project.